For Students

For Students

The training courses offered by the SOCIETALogy Institute are designed to help students who are having difficulty to:

        • Fit in
        • Get involved.

To do this, students will be encouraged to create or adopt a mental model compatible with the development of intrinsic motivation, which will lead them to be more autonomous and to:

          • Want to learn.
          • Facilitate their social, academic and societal integration.
          • Engage in their studies.

To achieve this, the Institute will draw knowledge linked 
with the human sciences, cognitive psychology and neuroscience to offer training that, depending on the target clientele, may last several hours. Combined with societalogical knowledge of what makes a competent citizen and what makes a competent student, students will be able to acquire knowledge and develop skills that will facilitate:

          • Their development as well as their social, educational and societal integration.
          • The development as well as the social, educational  and societal integration of their fellow students.
          • The development and the functioning of the different classes they attend.
          • The development and the functioning of their school.
          • The development and the functioning of their governments and their societies.

Overall, it allows students to have a positive student footprint for:

            • Themselves,
            • Their classmates,
              Their teachers,
            • The school and the society in general,

Our three training courses

In all, the Institute offers three training courses. These can overlap to meet the needs of students, teachers, classrooms or schools. School_Brochure_March_2024

In all, the Institute offers three training courses. These can overlap to meet the needs of students, teachers, classrooms or schools.

What’s more, they are designed to enable students to:

          • Acquire knowledge, thus the know.
          • Develop their technical skills, thus the know-how.
          • Develop their social skills, thus the know-how to be. 

These courses are designed to help students:

          • Learn to learn and learn to think.
          • Learn to live together and learn to live with others (both academically and societally).
          • Learn to motivate themselves and learn to persevere.

They are punctuated by explanatory images and videos that encourage discussion and questions. The latter are strongly encouraged, as the idea is to answer all questions to help them better understand:

          • What facilitates human development.
          • The surrounding social and societal environment.

Overall, this will help them create a mental model compatible with the development of intrinsic motivation.

Finally, depending on the clientele and the time available, students will be able to practice techniques to increase their level of competence.

General descriptions

The following is a brief description of our training courses, which can be given online or face-to-face.

It’s important to remember that while they can be adapted to meet the needs of all young people, regardless of age, they are primarily aimed at young people who have difficulty with:

          • Learn.
          • Integrate.
          • Motivate themselves.

So, based on this clientele, the training could be spread over five sessions and aims to create a mental model, or at least adapt it, so that it is compatible with the development of intrinsic motivation.

1 – Learning to learn and think

In this first training course, participants will be led to understand that our brain is a kind of reservoir in which we store potential energy that we call knowledge.

Knowledge is built up from the data and information we store in our memory, which we can construct using a very simple technique.

They will learn how to transform data into information and information into knowledge. Then they’ll realize that the more potential energy we have, the freer we are to go where we want.

Finally, they’ll learn how the accumulation of knowledge, but also of beliefs, leads them to create mental models that can facilitate or hinder their ability to solve problems and their social, academic and societal integration. They will have the chance to practice choosing the knowledge and beliefs that facilitate their social, academic and societal integration, as well as that of others.

On another note, students will learn that we all start
at the bottom of the competency ladder. So, at the very beginning of the knowledge acquisition process, we’re all at the same level, that of “Novice.” Then, gradually, as we acquire knowledge, we reach the “Advance Beginner” level, then “Competent,” “Proficient” and finally “Expert.”

Paradoxically, they will also learn that the more we learn, the more we know that we don’t know, which will somewhat mitigate the Dunning-Kruger Effect for some.

By the end of the course, students will know how to turn data into information, and how to turn information into knowledge. They will also know how to self-assess whether they are at the “Novice,”Advance Beginner,” “Competent,” “Proficient” or “Expert” level, whatever their field of knowledge.

What’s more, depending on the questions the students ask, they’ll learn a little more about the strengths and weaknesses of our memory, our brain, the role of school, respect, their role as students, their role as citizens, etc.

2 – Learning to live together and with others

This second course enables students to better understand their role as students and citizens, and to identify the knowledge and skills they need to develop in order to facilitate their own development, as well as their social, academic and societal integration.

To do this, participants will learn, through short explanatory videos and images, about the major stages that have shaped our sociality, and therefore our way of living together, over the last 52 million years. In fact, according to some evolutionary specialists, it was at this point that our distant ancestors abandoned their nocturnal, solitary lifestyle for a diurnal, social one.

They will also learn that our brain is above all a social organ, thus a tool that enables us to interact with others. But this capacity, like all our other capacities, is limited. So there’s a limit to the number of people we can get to know, which creates conflict. Our social development has therefore been influenced by this brain limit, as has our social, academic and societal integration.

More specifically, we will identify the personal, social and collective competences that our ancestors had to develop in order to create a certain social order. This social order is important because it enabled them to meet their needs while reducing the level of conflict.

Students will learn that our individual freedom depends on this social order.

A dialogue will follow to help young people identify the knowledge they need to acquire and the skills they need to develop to become competent towards:

            • Themselves (Personal skills).
            • Others (Social competencies).
            • Their communities (Societal Competencies).

All this will facilitate their personal development as well as their social, academic and societal integration, while helping to create, maintain and reinforce a certain social order that allows them to be free.

At the end of the training, students will have a better understanding of the important role they play in their own development, but also in the lives of others, and how others play an important role in their lives.

3 – Learn to motivate yourself and persevere

For thousands of years, human beings have been creating stories to alleviate their insecurities about natural phenomena such as life, death, eclipses, thunder, epilepsy and to explain the creation and the end of the world.

At the time, we had no access to scientific knowledge to help us answer these questions; today, we are buried by them, which creates another form of insecurity.

The third course aims to tell a story that will help students find their way through this immense cloud of knowledge.

To facilitate understanding, knowledge 
is staggered around a 24-hour clock. Without going into too much detail, the aim is to create a breadcrumb trail of macro-knowledge  that will enable students to understand how the universe came into being, how life appeared on earth, how it diversified, how we evolved physically and how our sociality evolved to enable us to live in mega-societies of up to tens of millions of citizens.

Through the presentation and analogy of Lego blocks, students will learn how the first primary atoms were formed. In the process, they’ll be introduced to the 4 states in which matter exists. They will also learn briefly how the first type of star led to the creation of secondary atoms, which in turn led to the creation of a second and third type of star, which in turn led to the creation of other atoms, all of which led to the formation of planets and the basis of life.

The second part tells the story of life on earth. More specifically, how the evolution of the first cells led life to divide into 3 domains of life, and how one of these domains enabled the human being to be what he is today?

The third part deals with technological evolution from the first stone tools, which were created around 3 million years ago, to today’s supercomputers. If technology evolved very slowly over all, the speed of innovation has increased since the early 18th century.

Finally, the last section deals with the evolution of human sociality. More specifically, our transition from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle.

Participants will learn how we learned to live together in cities of tens of millions of inhabitants.

Finally, students will be led to understand how our ancestors adapted over time, and identify the personal, social and societal skills we need today.

In the end, students will have a better idea of who they are, social beings, where they live, our physical, social and societal evolution, and what they need to do to facilitate their social, academic and societal integration.

Conferences for the more advanced

If you’re looking for more advanced topics, here’s what we can offer you.

  • Social order
  • Freedom
  • Freedom of expression
  • Freedom of the press
  • Governance
  • Government footprint
  • Citizenship
  • Civic ethics
  • Personal development
  • Social integration
  • Societal integration
  • Ethical citizenship
  • Citizen footprint
  • Education
  • Electoral processes
  • Social constructs
  • Mental models
  • Social status

If you are interested in any of these courses, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Societally yours,
The SOCIETALogical Team